Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Revelation 19:1-10

The reading of Revelation 19:1-10 made us curious; what was the celebration all about?  We admit we don’t know enough, nor understand enough about the entire book of Revelation.  We had to go back to the previous predictions and happenings that would envelop the earth and its people.  There is abundant doom and gloom in this book, but this section is to honor the believer, the marriage of “the Lamb and the Bride.”  After all the destruction of the sinful people, false prophets and followers of Satan, the people of faith were to be honored by being invited to the wedding of the Lamb (Christ) and the Bride (the Church.)  This was the ultimate honor to the faithful followers and reminds all of us that we must strengthen our faith – NOW.  Do not wait until tomorrow or the next hour, for the coming of Christ is at hand and we must be of true heart and mind in our faith, praising God at all times.

Prayer:  We thank you Father for all the blessings you give us each day.  We ask for your help to keep our hearts and minds open to follow Christ’s teaching of love and service.  We would have unending love for you.  We would be grateful for all you have created.  We would give service to all men and women so peace and love might grow.  Help us live our lives in his service.  We pray in his name.  Amen.

Kim & Nan Kimberley

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