Saturday, March 16, 2013

Others First

In these scriptures, some of the folks that had seen and heard Jesus went to tell the Pharisees and Chief Priests of the miracles Jesus had been doing.  The Jewish leaders were afraid that Jesus might create such a stir that the Romans would come and destroy the temple and their population of followers would be sent elsewhere.  These leaders would suffer a loss of power and prestige.  They weren't really thinking of their people, but more about the effects it would have on them.  In short, a plot was devised to kill Jesus.  We all know the rest of this story.

Jesus was crucified and in doing so, we are all saved.  The entire, "Let's knock him off and it will all go in our favor," didn't really work the way they had planned.

It really makes you stop and think about being selfish and thinking of yourself first.  Trying to always decide how things will affect you, and maybe not even considering how it might affect those around you can be a lonely ride.  To be honest, when we think of ourselves first, or not even first but only; that usually doesn't work out so well either.  Times when most people feel their best is when they have done something for someone else, without even considering the effects it will have on their own personal self.  

A little something nice for someone today, something unexpected.  I bet the person you do this for will feel blessed and I bet you will, as well.  I am not always sure I read the scriptures the same way others do.  I wonder if I am getting the same message.  I guess that is the beauty; He speaks to us all in different ways.  

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, let us remember to consider others’ needs, not just our own. Thank you for the ultimate unselfish act, the giving of your Son to save us from our sins.  That should make us all feel very blessed and loved.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Lea Henricks

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