Saturday, March 24, 2012

Good Instructions

If put on the spot to summarize what it means to be a Christian, Romans 12 would be a pretty good place to start.  I find verses 4-8 sort of describe a church, and it helps me to understand why being a member of a congregation and getting involved with the various activities that take place there is so important.  Individually we cannot do it all, but we all have something to contribute.  When we work together it is amazing what can be accomplished.  On the personal side, the verses that pertain to how we are meant to treat each other (v. 9-21) sound wonderful and describe exactly how I want to be treated.  Where it gets tricky is when I must measure how I treat others against this standard!  Following these guidelines verbatim can be difficult in certain situations.  Sometimes I will think that a particular set of circumstances is extraordinary and would surely qualify as being exempt!  At moments like these if I would only pause long enough to think of Jesus, nailed to that cross and praying for those who put him there, I might be able to gain the proper perspective and respond appropriately.

Prayer – Dear God, help us to find where our talents & gifts can be joined with others to better serve you.  Help us also to learn to love our neighbors as you desire, just like the example that Jesus gave us.  In His name we pray.  Amen.


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