Friday, February 15, 2013

Do You Have a Masters?

This story is only a glimpse of a larger one that tells of a man who had mistakes
in his past but this is also a story of redemption.  Moses had been born into uncertain
times of pain for his people.  By the grace of God, he found himself growing up with
privileges that his people had never gotten to experience.  Moses lived in a palace and
had the finest education while his people lived in slavery.  As this young man grew older,
he saw the injustice that lorded over his people.  In a fit of rage, Moses tried to put a stop
to it but it caused another outcome.  In an instant, Moses became a hunted man.  At
that point he began to run.  For forty years Moses tried to put the past behind him.  How
many times do we find ourselves running from our past?

One day, Moses found himself face to face with a God who wanted to confront the
mistakes, and allow Moses to set things right.  God had not forgotten His people or
Moses’ passion to fight against injustice.  He called him back after 40 years of living with
his regret.  This long journey must have helped him earn a degree at the University of
Humility.  During his time of running, Moses learned the essentials that only life can teach
him.  He graduated from HU (University of Humility.)  At this point, his education came in
handy in dealing with patience to a nation that chose to run so easily from the God that
had saved them.

Maybe today as you look back on your past, you also realize that you have made
mistakes.  What does your past teach you?  Is it possible that because you have a
Masters from HU you are able to give grace to people that are just enrolling in the
university?  Each day we need to realize we are blessed by adversity and mistakes;
that we can teach and keep others from taking the tough classes we have made
ourselves endure.

Prayer:  God, teach me to learn from the classes that I have been through so I don’t
have to retake them, and can tutor others.  Let me be a teacher of patience as I help
people into the grace and love of your Son Jesus Christ.  May my experience through
HU guide me as I guide others.  Amen.

Ryan Benton

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