Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why Worry? God’s Got This

Worry...why do we do it?  I had to laugh out loud when I was chosen to write a devotional on this particular scripture.  I am not the best one to write a devotional on this topic; however, I do have a lot of first-hand experience with it.  I must admit that I come from a long line of worriers.  That's one thing I definitely got from my mother, and that I hope I will not pass along to my child.  I haven't always been a worrier.  In fact, growing up I can remember getting very frustrated with my mother because she fretted over the silliest things.  And then I became a mother myself.  Motherhood = worry!  (I can just hear my mother saying, “I told you so!”)  The moment we brought our little bundle of joy home from the hospital, I became a certified worrier. I feared I wouldn't measure up as a mommy.  Would my child survive my multitude of shortcomings?  Then she started walking, and I soon realized we needed a house without a staircase.  My worry was at an all-time high when Chrissy was one and had to be hospitalized due to dehydration.  God took care of our little one and despite all of my worries; she has grown into a rambunctious 7 year-old that is too much like her daddy.  
One thing I've learned about worry is that when I stop worrying about one thing, there's always another something to take its place. It is a constant struggle in my life.  I don’t like to go on plane trips without Chrissy because I am afraid of something happening and leaving her without her mommy and daddy.  Airplanes in general scare me to death!  I absolutely refuse to take one over the ocean; yet, someday I would love to see Hawaii.  There’s always a cruise ship I can take instead.  At least that was my backup plan until the cruise ship recently went down in Italy like it was the Titanic. 
I often have to remind myself that when I worry I am basically telling God that He’s not God enough to take care of me.  I don’t know why things happen the way they do. The year 2009 was not a good one for my family.  That was the year we dealt with the loss of Ryan’s mom and later the same year the loss of our baby.  But I can’t sit around and worry about the bad things that might happen.  If I dwell upon the “what ifs,” I will miss out on the blessings around me.  I continue to look forward to the day when it all comes together.  I will say, “Wow God! You did have it under control.  And Your way is best.”  I struggle with this daily.  Just when I think, “Way to go, Amy! You haven’t worried once today.”  It’s then I realize I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet. Nevertheless, I try to remember 2 simple words.  Trust God.  If I do this, I am much better off.  He always comes through!  Whether it’s a last minute teaching job or just enough money to get us until the end of the week.  He is much better at being God than I ever can be. 
The last two verses are some very important reminders for us.  “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.  So don’t worry about tomorrow.”  During this season of lent, I pray that we let go and let God.  No worries!  God’s got this!

“Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it's empties today of it's strength. ” ― Mary Engelbreit

Amy Benton

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