Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Me First

When James and John approached Jesus and asked Him about sitting at His side in heaven, they didn’t like the answer they were given.  Jesus explained to them that God will be the one to assign those places.  Jesus concluded by telling them that if a person wants to be great, he must first be the servant of the rest, and if one wants to be first, he must be the slave of all.

This scripture reminds me of a lesson I learned early in life.  It was the first day of my first grade year of school.  The teacher instructed the class to line up at the door—we were going on a tour of the school.  Naturally, I made my way to the front of the line.  I proceeded to oust the boy who had beat me to the spot.  He, not willing to move aside, left me no choice… the fight was on.  In spite of the fact that I felt I had won the battle, I got three licks and was sentenced to tour the school from the back of the line.  Later that afternoon, I remember my mom’s lengthy explanation that left me understanding why it was that I could not always be first.  She said, “Sometimes you have to start at the back of the line and hope to work your way to the front.”  Similarly, I think what Jesus was saying in this scripture is that if we want to live our lives in a way that would be pleasing to God, we must humble ourselves and put others ahead of us. 

Prayer:  Dear God, We want to be your servants.  Help us to remember to humble ourselves and not always think that we have to be first.  As we approach Easter, help us remember that your Son came to serve and to give us life so that we, too, could serve many people.  Amen.

Bob Bruner

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